THE LIBRARY The attached errection
that in the North of Athena sanctified region are ruins of the famous Pergamon Library.
The library which was excessed from the top floor of the galery before belongs to the 2nd
Eumenes Era and it has a big, 13.53*15.35 dimensional reading room. The Athena sculpture that was 3.50 meters height
situated in this library which was furnished with wooden-ledges. This sculpture is
preserved in the Berlin Museum today. The great rival of the library which affluenced in
the 2nd Eumenes Era was the library of Iskenderiye. The Pergamons discovered parshomen as
a result of the prevention of the exportation of papirus by Egyptians. This the first
parshomen of the world was used in Pergamon.
Antonius, gifted the library that had 200.000 books to Cleopatra, however this
prosperous treasure doomed with the burning of the Iskenderiye Library.
The ruins which belong to the Palaces of Pergamon Kings localized the southern side of the
library and stoas that side of the library and stoas that surrounded Athena Temple. These
were two great houses of peristyle type that had courtyards in the middle it is consented
that the small one on the North belonged to Attolos and the bigger one was built in
Eumenes Era. The Mosaic parts which were found in the palaces are stored presently in
Berlin Museum.
The Arsenals which were also known as military property depot were located on the Northern
end of the acropolis and further than palaces and trajaneun about 10 m. Lower. These are
five long parallel errections. 13 differenet volumes of andezit shells wer e obtained in
them. These shells were presently preserved at down Agora in open air. The northern corner
of the Acropolis which the Arsenals were found soveigned the encompassment. Besides it was
situated in a place that the enemies coming closer could no t see it. It was in a very
convenient condition as to defend the city.
The temple which were made for the godfied Roman Emperor Trajon, is on the highest
terrace. It is undoubtful that, there had been a Hellenistic structure in there before.
The temple that was surrounded with stoas by the three sides, rises on a 68*58m. D
imensional terrace. The 6*9 columned, peripteros temple is Korint style. It reminds the
Dionysos Temple which located on the terrace of the theatre with its podium and the steps
of the front side, whereas it is similiar to Roman samples due to its feature s. The
temple was ordered to be erected by hadrian for Trajan. However it is understood that, two
Emperors were worshipped together in this place because the collosol marbles heads of the
sculptures of Trajan and Hadrian was found in the temple. These are found in Berlin Museum |